On the main street of the city of Sillamae, retail space for rent in the new shopping center, Viru pst. 14

Price on request

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Views: 5817

Anatoli Ambrozi
Anatoli Ambrozi
+372 56 900 866

Property number (ID): 986
City: Sillamäe, Ida-Virumaa
Number of rooms: 10
Area: 1300 m2
Material: Panel house
Condition: With major repairs
Apartment Associations: No
Furniture remains: No

In the spring of 2020, it is planned to open a modern multi-functional shopping center in the city of Sillamae. In the center there will be a city indoor market.

The building is located on the main street at Viru 14, next to the Coop store and others.

In this regard, we are looking for tenants for available space: retail outlets in the indoor market and individual boxes.

The total area of ​​the building is 1300 m2.

You can contact about this by writing to info@ambrozi.ee or by phone +37256900866

Please attach a brief description of your company and the desired rental area.

Retail space is well suited for:

  • Pharmacies
  • Private sellers of various goods
  • Pet shop
  • Flower shop
  • Bookstore
  • Cosmetics store
  • Cafe
  • Shoe store
  • Household chemicals store
  • Shop for repair and sale of phones
  • Optics store
  • Beauty salon
  • Shoe repair shop, etc.

Payment for intermediary services at the conclusion of a lease with the owner of the building is not charged to the tenant.

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